Wednesday, April 29, 2015

God, Gabriel, and Good News: A Divine Encounter in Little Rock

Gabriel Carlson drifted into my life unexpectedly as a mystery of God, and then disappeared – for just a little while at first – only to miraculously and dramatically reappear.  Then, like sand through an hourglass he slipped away.  This is the story of how God used Gabriel to change my life, though he would say it is how God used me to save his.
The stroke had stolen most of his words, but my brother still had the communicative prowess to let it be known which foods were acceptable, or as is often the case with the Seawel siblings, which foods are unacceptable.   I was dispatched to the nearest Sonic to Little Rock’s Baptist Hospital for an Arkansas staple – ice cream and a big coke.  Chester wanted with his Coke, a Reese’s Blast with no funny stuff.

Back at Baptist, I happened on to an elevator with a young guy with an unruly fro.  As my curious eyes involuntarily squinted in trying to decode the calligraphic tattoo on his forearm, an extra sense kicked in as I felt his eyes on me.  With a playfully mischievous grin he was judging my armloads of Sonic ice cream and drinks.  Momma Susan raised us right, so Seawel offspring don’t choose either a coke or a dessert – we get both.

                The young man feigned offense, “Hey, Brother, you went to Sonic and ain’t bring me nothin’?”

I laughed, then replied, “You should’ve asked me, I would have been glad to.”

                “I’m just playin’ with ya, bro.  I’m just bored up in this joint.”

     The matching navy blue clothing he had on looked to be hospital scrubs, but he had a bandage in the crook of his non-tattooed arm so I asked if he was a patient or an employee.

                “Man, this damn sickle cell.”

“Ah man, I’m sorry.”

                “Don’t be, we all got our cross to bear.  I’m sure you got yours.”

“You're and old soul wise beyond your years, huh?”

                “I ain’t gonna lie.  Sickle cell done made my body weak, but it’s made me strong in spirit.”
I flashed a knowing smile, but it was premature.  I didn’t know.  I hadn’t truly digested his words, but I was chewing on them when until the elevator bell interrupted me at my floor.  “I’m James by the way.”

                “Bible name. I knew you was saved.”

Laughing as I stepped off the elevator, I turned and asked his name before the close of the door.

                “Call me Gabriel.”

“Like the angel,” I replied.  He beamed back at me with a kindred spirit smile as the metallic doors of the elevator closed like the lid on a casket and transported my new friend away.
                I returned to the room with enough calories to power a Pontiac just as the techs were about to begin some kind of supposedly therapeutic rigmarole.  Their blank stares and silence induced the intended discomfort in me that they desired, so after my brother appreciated my handiwork of forbidding the whipped cream, I was dismissed.  I snagged my hand-me-down paperback copy of The Shack off the window sill and headed for the lobby.

                With my drink and book in hand, I found a somewhat cozy nook, that is, as comfortable as a hospital waiting room can be.  An old grey gentleman sat slumped over, his head bobbing as he fought out a nap, while his gum-smacking wife flipped through a glossy-covered women’s magazine opening her juicy fruited mouth to lick a finger to turn each page.  Fox News was on mute, thank God for the little things.  I slurped my drink, placed my feet on the chair across from me wondering if the old woman would scold me with her eyes, but not looking up to check.  Ahh, back to this story where God was a big black woman.  Normalcy.

               Just as I was settling comfortably back in to the story, I couldn’t help but notice in my peripheral vision the young man, Gabriel, walk by.  It was nothing spectacular, just the recognition of my new acquaintance.  But he wouldn’t leave my mind.  Thoughts about anything or anybody at this juncture were as uninvited and as they were annoying.  Would it be too much to ask to just escape into someone else’s world just for a chapter or two, I wondered.   The Shack is not a hard read, but I found my eyes scanning the same passages repeatedly with no recollection or comprehension whatsoever.  The Narrator in my head was ever louder and overpowered the words on the page.  In my first attempt at Christian fiction, I couldn’t concentrate.  The Author of my faith kept interrupting me.  God can be so inconsiderate that way.  All I could think about was Gabriel.  I suddenly had a burden to pray for him.  The Holy Spirit would not be dismissed. He was insistent that I pray for Gabriel.

                So, I prayed that guy up one side and down the other.  I pled the blood of Jesus over him, his family, his finances, his health.  I claimed favorite Bible verses for him: Dear Lord, let no weapon formed against Gabriel prosper.  Be his refuge and his strength.  Guard and protect him from the evil one.  Place a hedge of protection over him and shield him from all harm.  Let the fiery darts of the enemy towards Gabriel be turned back on he who launched them.  I thanked God for his life, and speaking things that were not, as though they were, as Scripture teaches, I thanked God for his health and well-being.  I asked the Lord to watch over him and to dispatch angels to protect him.  Once I had begun praying, I couldn’t stop until it was finished.  This is difficult to explain to those who haven’t walked with God like this, but I know this sudden urge to pray for a stranger wasn’t of me. I was tired and wanted rest, and as evidenced by my brother down the hall needing his own miracle I had my own prayer priorities as well as a selfish will to just chill and relax.  When the pressure to pray was lifted, only then could I return to my book, the irony being lost on me at the time that it was a story about a man learning to hear from God.

                 Later that evening I offered to give Shelly, my sister-in-law, a break.  Ever the advocate, she felt she needed to stay close and keep watch on the hospital staff and to make sure her husband was at least passably well-behaved.  She took a few minutes to find some sweet tea and use her cell phone to update family and check on her babies, and then she came back and told me I should leave and see about them the next morning.

                 I was staying at my friend Cameron’s place down in Riverdale in northern Little Rock.  From Baptist I could have taken any number of the north-south routes that bisected midtown between the Wilbur D. Mills Freeway and Cantrell Avenue.  For no particular reason that I could have identified at the time, I opted for Mississippi Boulevard.  The street was not busy on this late, dark night.  I traversed the boulevard, cresting and descending the steep hills of Midtown, paying no particular notice to the oncoming headlights, but exactly as the car was directly beside me my ears were bombarded with an indistinguishable combination of ominous noises.  Checking my rearview mirror as I reached the summit of the hill just nanoseconds afterwards, I saw an explosion of lights as the car hit an electrical pole.  It spun around, flipping multiple times until its final resting place where smoke hovered like ghosts in the air.  I called 9-1-1 and gave dispatch the approximate address while I parked, and then ran to the scene.  By this time a couple more cars had approached as startled neighbors began appearing on their lawns wearing nightclothes and surprised squint-eyed faces.

                Nothing in my life had prepared me for what my eyes were about to see.  A light pole was snapped in half while electrical wires were shooting out sparks as they whipped around violently like snakes on fire.  Perhaps because I had witnessed this accident and thus somehow felt a part of it, and no doubt because I was on a God-high, I didn’t have the hesitancy to approach as did the gawkers from the other cars and the homeowners whose yards were now playing host to general passersby and nosy neighbors.  The movies do not exaggerate the hodgepodge assortment of people from all walks of life who assemble from seemingly out of nowhere in these moments.  I dismissed a voice from someone in a nearby yard who called out for me to stay back.

                A white guy was sprawled out on the pavement, his limbs twisted up under and behind him crudely as if put together by a deranged doll-maker.  His haphazardly arranged form conjured images from a horror movie.  As I drew near, I noticed a girl running away through the bushes into the shadows of darkness, painstakingly avoiding any light.  My attempt to comfort the man splayed out on the asphalt by assuring him that an ambulance was on its way was welcomed.  I misled him to believe I could hear sirens approaching, hoping my lie would help him to hold on just a little longer.  He wanted to know if his girlfriend was alright.  He wanted to know why he couldn’t move or feel his arms or legs.  He wanted to know a good many things I was ill-prepared to answer.  His face was frozen in stillness, his neck unable to turn.  When he looked up at me with his dilated pupils from under his upraised eyebrows, my mind raced at the recognition of the surefire expressions of shock.  I felt I had to engage him somehow.   He readily agreed to allow me pray for him, which is what we were doing when we sensed movement from the overturned car followed by a frightened voice.

                “Help!  Somebody get me out of here.  Please help me.”

     The voice was familiar.  It was from the elevator.  Gabriel.  Oh, Lord, this is why you had me pray.  My heart sank thinking of him stuck in the smoldering wreckage of the remains of this unrecognizable car.

                I approached the mass of mangled metal and walked towards the smoke and broken glass bracing myself for what condition I might find Gabriel.  I talked him out of the car.  He kicked the spider-webbed glass out of a backseat window, then positioned himself headfirst to emerge from the dark and narrow space.  His face wore the innocent expression of a newborn. He crawled, then stood and walked towards me.  Amid the faces in the now-growing crowd he identified me immediately as “the dude from the elevator.”

                “How’d you know to find me here, dude?”

“I don’t know.”

                “It’s a God thang.”

     I couldn't disagree with his declaration.  We shook our heads in disbelief, and embraced as he began audibly to process.

     In stream of consciousness fashion he wondered aloud how the car had wrecked, and then answering his own question remembered the wheels locking up and brakes not working.  He wondered what had happened to the girl, how long he had been "out", when had I shown up and just how, again, had I known to be there.  By this time the first ambulance arrived and the paramedics were tending to the man on the pavement and asking us to not approach.  Gabriel called reassurances and promises to visit, but his friend was too deep in shock at this point to respond.

                “I gotta call my momma.”

     He looked at the ground and saw among various CD’s, DVDs's, books, clothing, an odd assortment of canned goods, and millions of shards of glass, the remnants of his cell phone.

                “Man, can I use your phone?  I gotta call my momma.”

                Having a mom of my own and knowing that Gabriel was shaken I made him promise me that he would say to his mother slowly and calmly, “Mom, I’m okay” three times before telling her of the accident.  He did so and the change in his demeanor was visible as he listened to his mother’s voice of reassurance.  He gave his mother his location.  Meanwhile, the second set of paramedics beckoned him to them for his ambulance ride to the ER.  Childlike, Gabriel inquired as to whether I could accompany him. When the lady gave him the “are you being serious, right now?” face, I told Gabriel I would remain at the scene to talk to his mother and would check up with him later.  This satisfied him, and he was back to Baptist.

                A newer model pick-up truck pulled up to the scene with a middle aged black man at the wheel.  He put his hazard lights on, parked astraddle the curb, and introduced himself to a police officer.  The woman riding passenger let her window down and surveyed the scene with her eyes while she clasped both hands to her chest.  I walked up to her and introduced myself to Gabriel’s mother, Ms. Robynne, who appeared very tired and weak under her church lady hat.  She was not who I had imagined, though I was certainly not disappointed.  She had just met two ambulances on the road and assumed her baby was on one of them, so I reassured her that he was and without a scratch.  Naturally, she wanted to know what had happened.  Sensing that she was a woman of faith, I asked her if I could start at the beginning.

                I shared with Ms. Robynne the unlikely story of how I had met her son earlier that day, then how the Spirit had been relentless with me to pray for him.  She cried the tears only a mother who has fought spiritual battles on behalf of a child can cry.  I felt so undeserving and self-aggrandizing as I unfolded for her my version of the account until she stepped down out of the truck and wrapped her arms around me and thanked me for being there and for having “ears to hear."  Like Gabriel had been on the phone I was relieved by the soft and smooth yet definitive voice of this strong woman.

                 “Listen to me.  All my baby's life, the devil has had a plan against him.  Honey, I’m talking car wrecks, medical issues, house fires, accidents, more close calls and near misses than I care to remember.  That’s why I’m not surprised to see you here, dear brother.  You don’t know how often this has happened.  God's got his eye on my baby boy, and I thank you, honey, for knowing His voice.  It was God who saved my baby, but he used you.  He used you.”

                As promised, I checked on Gabriel later that night in the ER. He had already been released when I arrived, but he had not left as the waiting room had become temporary headquarters for his support group.  He welcomed me into his circle.  His family and friends were celebrating his miracle, and praying for his friend, who I learned was a down-on-his-luck regular at the video store where Gabriel worked.  Gabriel regularly brought groceries from his church's pantry to the man and his girlfriend, and sometimes as was the case this night if they waited around until close he would take the carless couple home, wherever home might be any given night.

               That night leaving the ER I said my goodbyes, and never saw Gabriel face to face again.  We kept up on Facebook and through a few phone calls we prayed together and discussed everything from girls to God and other mysteries that have confounded men through the ages.  No Gabriel conversation was complete without covering his two other passions, music and politics.  Already a volunteer for local campaigns, had he lived to complete his major he was hoping for a career in political science, though having a side gig in music would have brought him much satisfaction.

                Perhaps there is no gift in dying young and having the foreknowledge thereof, but if there is an earthly silver lining before Heaven, then it must be embracing the time one has left.  That’s what I saw Gabriel doing.  As only one who knows his days are numbered can, Gabriel knew the precious value of time.  He could no more turn back his clock, than he could wind it up again.  I believe he valued his hours and days more than most.  In being robbed of the average twenty-something's perceived immortality, he was given a foretaste of eternity.  Alive to his spirit, he knew his days with flesh and blood were numbered.  As a result, he was more free with tears and laughter and expressions of affection to his friends and family.  He packed a lot of experience into his years, knowing that his days on earth were numbered.  

                I refuse to write or even think something so defeating as "Gabriel lost his battle with sickle cell anemia”.  I think such obituaries and eulogies for a spiritual warrior like Gabriel are utter bullshit.  I think Gabriel kicked sickle cell’s ass every day of his life, and that his last earthly breath was his gateway to glory, his harbinger to heaven.  Maybe it’s easy for a distant survivor to say, one who still has breath and skin and dates on a calendar and other things of this life, but I say Gabriel didn’t lose a thing, but gained it all.  After all, it was Jesus (John 11: 25-26) who said, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?"  Gabriel did; Gabriel believed. 

                I don’t know why God’s presence was so tangible that day, yet one man became paralyzed and died weeks later.  I don’t know why God showed me the power of intercessory prayer for a person I didn’t even know, while my brother’s healing has come so gradually that fulfillment thereof at this pace will last well into eternity.  I don’t know why Gabriel came out of that car unscratched, only to die a couple of years later.  I don't know why Ms. Robynne died as a result of the cancer she had fought for years, nor why her aged mother lost a beloved child and a grandchild within the span of roughly a year.  I don't know why I felt the presence of God so strongly then, and yet find myself questioning my faith in Him on other days.

               Gabriel wouldn't have known either, but the popular maxim of "God works in mysterious ways" could not be ignored by either of us as our very friendship was a result of something we knew to be more than a chance encounter.  Sometimes I futilely demand answers, but today I'm comforted by the words of the old song: Farther along we’ll know all about it, farther along we’ll understand why...  Soon we will see our dear, loving Savior; Then we will meet those gone on before us, Then we shall know and understand why.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

A Religious Cynic Gets Real about Easter

I was raised in a faith tradition with no particular regard for the Christian calendar, and so I’ve never focused much on the holy days. Even after leaving this faith in search of the elusive true church, I didn’t take the celebrations of various historical Christian holidays–deemed relevant to whatever faith group I might be auditing at the time—seriously.

For instance, I only observed Lent the year I proclaimed I was giving up Catholics, but that lasted only long enough for me to share the clever line with my Catholic friends. They thought it was funny the first time, but I’ve resurrected that same lame joke over fish on Friday every year since 2004.

In the church I grew up in if somebody had mentioned Maundy Thursday, we would have foregone the “laying of hands” and had them assessed for “old-timers” disease, because even fundamentalists know that Monday and Thursday can never be on the same day.  Duh.

Easter, though, has become meaningful to me, and not just because Cadbury eggs are the bomb.  Not even because there are noted chefs in my family who are only liberal in their applications of bacon grease, butter, salt, and pepper to the point that their Easter dinners are divine even while hardening your arteries, but ain’t nobody got time for that.

This day is not only monumental for me, but is the quintessential event in human existence and in its day was understood equally by skeptics and disciples of Jesus.

According to the Gospel accounts of Easter morning, the two Mary’s went to the tomb early on the third day after the crucifixion. There was an earthquake, an angel, an empty tomb.  Everything was starting to make sense, prophecies of old and even the recent words of Jesus were coming back to them, but took a new context when they stood at the empty tomb. With mixed emotions of fear and joy, these two women were the first to know about the Resurrection and therefore the first to tell the Easter story. The LORD had overcome the world!  Followers of Jesus have continued to celebrate the Resurrection from that moment until now.

But what does the Resurrection mean? 

It means more than I can write in this blog post, but most importantly I think the resurrection of Jesus means that there is hope for us to live the life we each are called by God to live. In my early days of trying to follow Jesus, the most frustrating and depressing moments were the incessant failing and falling on my face. Try as I may, I couldn’t get it right. Legalism and religion and other bad habits tripped me up until I felt stuck in my own spiritual Hotel California. But being stuck was just an illusion after I realized the implications of what the Resurrection of Jesus meant to me.

Upon spiritual renewal, which is referred to in the Scriptures as being born-again, one takes on a new identity.  Jesus said to Nicodemus, "that which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit (John 3:6)."  Believer, the exact same Spirit that was present at Creation and that raised Jesus from the dead now lives in you. (Gen 1:2, and Rom 8:11).  The Bible is replete with Scriptures that indicate that we are to die to ourselves, that is our flesh, and live by the Spirit and become a new creation.  Jesus modeled both dying to the self and living in the Spirit, at the Cross and at the Resurrection, respectively. 

The Resurrection of our LORD Jesus is central to our salvation. The story of Jesus, indeed the Good News of Jesus, is incomplete even meaningless without the Resurrection. The Jesus story wasn’t just so that He would be a self-help guru, that He might give us a good example to follow, or that a religion might form to memorialize His great life. The Good News is that because he rose again, He showed that He defeated Satan, sin, death, hell, and the grave.

If you are a Believer, that same Spirit that made Him a conqueror makes you one, too. If you are not a Jesus-follower, the opportunity to receive the gift of salvation and subsequently the abundant life of a conqueror is available to you.  Before Jesus ascended after He had defeated the grave He said that it was good that He was going away to the right hand of the Father where He prays without ceasing for us, because unless He did, the Helper would not be able to come. That Helper is the Holy Spirit who lives in us as Believers to guide us. The life we now live is not of the flesh, but of the spirit. 

We have the opportunity now because of the Resurrection of Jesus to be led by the Holy Spirit.  God knew that in a problem-filled world that right living would be impossible for us. So whether you gather with the saints every Sunday, Easter Sunday, or not in a month of Sundays please know that Jesus loves you, died for you, and rose again victorious over sin. He dealt with sin once and for all, according to Peter. Your salvation, your abundant life, your joy, your victory, your freedom has been purchased. If you’re already living a Resurrection-powered life, then I pray you stay renewed as salvation was never meant to be an occasion but a way of life.   You were saved, are being saved, will be saved in the end. If you haven’t accepted what Jesus did for you, then know that the gentle tugging that has always been there is the Helper  who has been sent for you.

Religion can be confusing, misleading, and stifling to spiritual growth, but understanding the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus is simple. God knew that we were lost without Him, so in His love he emptied out His wrath for sin on His precious Son Jesus upon the Cross. Three days later as was written, the Spirit resurrected Him and the world has never been the same. If you accept Him, your world will never be the same either. 

Monday, October 22, 2012

Culture Wars

          There is an ongoing culture war in the United States. It’s a timeless war that ebbs and flows with the winds of change. The current wind is political, but it’s also religious. As strange of bedfellows as politics and religion may seem, this is America and we are not surprised. The battle between church and state and the resulting culture wars are more American than mom, apple pie, and baseball. This pastime has been nothing short of a national lovers’ quarrel from our founding.
          Our culture wars evolve as the issues evolve and the battles may take various forms such as between: White vs. Black, North vs. South, urban vs suburban vs rural, conservative/traditional vs. liberal/progressive, Christian vs Non, and so on. But there is always that pervading element of culture in each pushing forth the notion that groups must preserve and protect their beliefs and ways of life. If we could simply stop at preservation of culture, then there’d be no war. The aspect of war comes from one group’s collective fear that a group with opposing or differing beliefs and values poses a threat.
           The issues include the debate between Evolution and Creationism, gun-rights/gun-control, homosexual marriage, affirmative action, abortion and women’s rights, access to healthcare, poverty issues, social justice issues, school prayer, 10 Commandments displays and nativity scenes on public property, English as official language, and immigration and the list goes on.
          Our country has had some knock down and drag out fights including the one that almost cost us the Union, other unfulfilled threats of breaking up, many mind games, lots of back-stabbing, but the prevailing sentiment has been to stay together for the sake of the kids. We the citizens are the kids in this scenario, but our two parents of church and state seem always to get back together without ever reaching a lasting compromise. One might suggest marriage counseling, but should it be from a secular or Christian counselor? 
          Convenient targets though they are, the culture wars are not the fault of your least favorite politician. Obama didn’t start this, nor did Romney, and regardless of who wins in November neither will end it. We are fighting battles that are older than our country, much older. I’m in the U.K. right now and as I am wont to do I have been talking the two subjects we are often taught to avoid in polite conversation: politics and religion. Our British allies appreciate our struggles and one cannot help but perceive them enjoying wry amusement at our expense as they observe our young country as we squabble amongst ourselves much as their older nation has done lo these many years.
          It is tempting, though it would be fruitless in this discussion to compare the Obama years to the George W. Bush years. Most of us are convinced one way or another, so instead of casting blame on the one whom many on the right think is unworthy for their believing he’s the foreign-born, Muslim, antichrist or the one who many on the left think was ineligible because of the perceived partisan decision of the Supreme Court who decided the election or because of a lack of faith in his intellect, let us look at ourselves individually and at our nation collectively. No matter how we break it down, this is about all of us, individually as well as collectively. What are the roles of both church and state, and what are the cultural ramifications? Should the church tell the government how to operate? Should the government dictate the actions and procedures of the church?
          We seem simply incapable of the notion of “live and let live”. Too often it is not enough to simply disapprove or not partake of another culture, we want to denigrate it, regulate it, legislate it, or eradicate it. We as Americans love and celebrate our freedoms, and rightly so, but so often we have difficulty extending to others their freedoms if we believe they are wrong. We in God’s Kingdom seem to want to do legislatively what we have failed to do relationally. Our individual Christian witnessing and the collective work of the church has not provided the results we long for, that we feel God wants of us, so we turn our attention to the United States government to enforce our beliefs. In so doing we have divided the church, divided the nation, run off younger generations of believers, and alienated non-believers to the point that our beliefs are of little consequence. Those we wish to reach, are called to reach, have written us off because they have seen our rampant hypocrisy, incessant power-grabbing, bruising infighting, and unrestrained greed.
          Neither of our two major political parties can claim a monopoly on God or morality. Democrats may, if they bother at all, rather uncomfortably and often unconvincingly, pick up the religious banner when vying for black and Hispanic votes, just to lay it down in the world of academia or Hollywood just as Republicans bible thump significantly more when in evangelical strongholds than they do with Wall Street and Country Club Republicans. It wasn’t Scripture that Obama was quoting that helped him raise massive funds in Hollywood no more than Romney was telling the story of the rich young ruler to the millionaires at his now infamous Florida fundraiser.
          Without delving in to the content, the title of Jim Wallis’s book says it all: “God's Politics: Why the Right Gets It Wrong and the Left Doesn't Get It.” As long as we hold to positions that declare our side is right no matter what, we lose. Regardless of which side you take on any of the culture war issues, there are good people on the other side. Yes, even the issues that seem so open and shut, cut and dry, and that you have a crisp little Scripture to place behind, maybe especially those issues. It is also true that there are forces and influences on both sides of these issues that are suspect and bear watching. This should motivate us, not paralyze us, but let us look as critically at our side of the culture wars as we certainly do our opponents. Spiritually speaking, my friend Charlee refers to the role of God in such exercises of humility as the Giant Mirror. On both sides of these various issues we are so busy attempting to remove that speck from our opponents’ eyes that we fail to see the beam in our own.
          Winston Churchill once acutely observed with penetrating insight that, “Americans can always be counted on to do the right thing . . . after they have exhausted all other possibilities." It’s one thing for that to be said of us as Americans, but what is truly mournful is that it could also be said of the church in America. No matter your stance on these significant cultural issues, if you are a follower of Jesus you are first called to love. No matter how sincere, how right, or how justified you may feel in your position, it is meaningless if your viewpoint is not grounded in love. But what about your opponents whose beliefs aren’t rooted in Christ or on your biblical interpretation? Love them anyway. No, love them especially.